Lt. Col. Don Ware, USAF retired
In February 1989 Wendelle Stevens, well-known UFO investigatorand publisher received a letter from someone he has chosen to calla "friendly spook," a government intelligence agent [2]. The letterconcerned the US government's investigation of the Billy Meier casein Switzerland that Stevens had investigated. It also had much tosay about the development of government policy on “UFOs". Following are a few paragraphs from that letter: "...In 1945, when it was first proven that UFOs were real, from space, operated by intelligent beings, most of whom were inhuman form, the American Government did a soft touch check to seewhat the great unwashed public would say, and how the public would respond to UFOs, and space people, if the President informed the public over national radio. "...The public's response was all bad. Ninty-seven percent ofthe public took one of two approaches. Shoot first and askquestions later. Or call the UFOs agents of the devil, the prince of the power of the air, the anti-Christ, and set up an even worsesituation, where UFOs would become a real negative religious issue. What was surprising was the response of the religious leadership, which was by far worse than the general public's response. It couldonly be called grim news. "The science community showed no leadership at all, just a super case of stupidity, and prejudice." As you might guess, the original investigations were by military men, under orders from General Marshall, under the direction of the President. And if you know your military men, finding one who wants to get into a fight with the preachers, over what is or is not the anti-Christ, when neither the military mannor the preacher knows a hell of a lot of factual information, about either the anti-Christ or the UFOs, would be like sending a blind person out to spot UFOs... "...To say that the military community successfully avoided afight with the religious community over UFOs would be an accurateobservation. To say that the military was real damned sneaky abouthow they informed the public about UFOs would also be an accurateobservation. "... The military mind drew one conclusion. The single mostimportant thing to do, in the situation it was in, namely sittingon some hot, highly controversial information, was to keep thegeneral public from getting a bad response by controlling the public’s response to UFOs. In other words, keep the damnedreligious mentality out of the issues involved, as long aspossible. "But, do not ever say that the military never did anythingabout informing the public about the existence of UFOs. That will mean you have not figured out the methods used by the governmentto spread the word about UFOs. You might say the military took theBible's advice about not to let the left hand know what the righthand is doing. "The military pulled the very same trick Moses pulled, whenhe did not like the attitude of his troops after crossing the RedSea. He took the time to grow a new batch of troops, whose responseand thinking was more to his liking. And that is what the militarydid about UFOs..." I think the concept of educating a new generation has merit,and is supported by history. Consider how alien vehicles and alienshave become a part of our society with minimal adverse impact. Cartoons have included them for decades, and now Ghostwriter is influencing the young, and some older folks too. Advertisements of all sorts show alien interaction with us. Even our most commonly reported aliens have beer parties with Miller Lite. I was told thatBob Oeschler knows an individual, apparently in some governmentservice, who visits CEOs around the country to encourage such advertisements. And Jamie Shandera said he was told that government agents influenced the making of "The Day the Earth Stood Still", "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", and "ET" to help shape public perceptions.
National UFO Center ... Full Report
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