British Columbia is leading in UFO sighting so far in 2008.
British Columbia leading in the number of reported sighting so far.Total number of Canadian reported sightings so far for 2008 is 289 cases. Running CountBrian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research can be reached at 250 845 2180. But please note, this number is to be used only for anyone wanting to file a UFO report or the media if they would like to contact me. Or you can write to me through the HBCC UFO Research website.Reports so far from January 1, 2008 up until August 16, 2008.*HBCC UFO Research* and *UFOINFO* together have received 289 written (and audio) UFO sighting reports from January 1, 2008 up until August 16, 2008 and I am sure the total number will climb as we still have a little over four months left in 2008.British Columbia in 2008 leads the Canadian provinces with 119 reported sightings, followed by Ontario with 78 cases.Below is a break down on reports received by HBCC UFO Research and UFOINO from January 1, 2008 to August 16, 2008.HBCC UFO Research Note on the total number of received by August 16, 2008. The numbers below relate to what we have received from January 1, 2008 and the numbers will climb throughout 2008, or until the end of this year.Sighting reports from January 1, 2008 up to August 16, 2008 British Columbia - 119 reported sightings)Ontario - 78 reported sightingsAlberta - 23 reported sightingsNova Scotia - 13 reported sightings Quebec - 17 reported sightingsManitoba - 12 reported sightings Saskatchewan - 11 reported sightingsNew Brunswick - 12 reported sightingsNewfoundland - 4 reported sightingsYukon - 0Total number of Canadian reported sightings so far for 2008 is 289 cases.The sightings range from meteor sightings, aircraft, stars, the ISS, etc. Although many of the sightings were certainly explainable, there were some really amazing cases in which no answers could be found and I am still looking for a rational explanation for some events. One of the most amazing UFO events took place between Houston and Burns Lake, British Columbia on August 3, 2008 where two men were stopped by a UFO which was hovering in front of their vehicle, not once byt twice on the same evening. Also on August 8, 2008 in the same general area, Uncha Lake South Of Burns Lake, British Columbia a number of eyewitnesses watched a large platform with two circle objects attached to it floating/drifting across the evening sky and finally disappearing over a local mountain. This craft?UFO was estimated to be 200 to 500 feet in length.
I should also add the Okanagan in British Columbia is again proving to be a Canadian hotspot for reported sighting. In particular Vernon, B.C. has been a very active area.Other amazing cases came in from Ontario and other provinces as well. I would also like to note, the 289 reported sightings came into just *HBCC UFO Research* and *UFOINFO*. There are many other UFO organizations across Canada and in the United States that are receiving Canadian UFO cases. So the total will be much greater for each of the Canadian provinces by the end of the year. I couldn't even guess how many UFO reports were reported from the United States and other areas of the world. Most sightings do come into us from the United States and we are very happy to receive them, actually some of the best cases are coming from the U.S. and go back numerous years. Like I always tell folks, no matter when the UFO event took place, please send in your report, either to HBCC UFO Research or UFOINFO as we are here to help where we can, and are extremely interested in what the witness has to say. I also keep harping on an important part of this UFO topic, and that is that the witness who is reporting to us, is that their private/personal information is completely confidential. Well in the next four months we shall see what other interesting cases come into us. Don't forget to file your sightings, new or old. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Research International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/
I should also add the Okanagan in British Columbia is again proving to be a Canadian hotspot for reported sighting. In particular Vernon, B.C. has been a very active area.Other amazing cases came in from Ontario and other provinces as well. I would also like to note, the 289 reported sightings came into just *HBCC UFO Research* and *UFOINFO*. There are many other UFO organizations across Canada and in the United States that are receiving Canadian UFO cases. So the total will be much greater for each of the Canadian provinces by the end of the year. I couldn't even guess how many UFO reports were reported from the United States and other areas of the world. Most sightings do come into us from the United States and we are very happy to receive them, actually some of the best cases are coming from the U.S. and go back numerous years. Like I always tell folks, no matter when the UFO event took place, please send in your report, either to HBCC UFO Research or UFOINFO as we are here to help where we can, and are extremely interested in what the witness has to say. I also keep harping on an important part of this UFO topic, and that is that the witness who is reporting to us, is that their private/personal information is completely confidential. Well in the next four months we shall see what other interesting cases come into us. Don't forget to file your sightings, new or old. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Research International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/
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