Paul Hellyer,
former Canadian Defence Minister
So what exactly did Mr. Hellyer have to say during his presentation at this year’s X-Conference? He stated that an Extra Terrestrial Civilization had made contact with the Government of the United States of America decades ago with the intention of helping us change the current course of civilization because they felt we were surely headed for a catastrophe and quite possibly the extinction of the human race on planet Earth. Apparently that wasn’t in the best interests of the USA at the time. What was the reaction of the American Government? “Shoot first and ask question after”.

Eliahi Priest said recently in a radio interview: All the problems we see happening on our planet are symptoms of a greater problem; and that problem is secrecy and a lack of understanding of our true nature and potential as a race. As many researchers have said before me the real war is the war on consciousness and in order for us to win that battle, we simply need the truth. The truth will set us free.
Read More at the Source The Canadian
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