Several weeks ago, I posted an article about the Million Fax on Washington campaign which calls for the government to disclose what it knows about UFOs and extraterrestrials. I am still working on my own letter. In the meantime, I saw this open letter to the President Elect written by Robert Stanley. It’s a very interesting letter by a man who has been involved in the issue for some time. I’ve included one photo at the end, but there are a number of others that accompany the original article. - Tom Z

by Robert Stanley
Mr. Obama,
Your campaign was based on a simple, but profound promise — change. There is one important aspect of the current bureaucracy in Washington, D.C., that desperately needs to change — UFO secrecy.
As president elect you have most likely been briefed on the more than 240 alien incursions of the restricted/prohibited airspace over Washington, D.C., that have transpired since 1948. Pentagon intelligence officers may have also briefed you on the failed military intercepts that occurred in this same period. Some of these hostile intercepts proved fatal to our veteran, combat pilots — a tragic waste of life. However, the attempted military intercepts in 1948, 1952, 2002, etc. are what directly led to the current political stance on this subject — total silence.
Despite the fact that hundreds of people have seen and or photographed non-terrestrial, exotic aerospace craft passing over sensitive areas of Washington, D.C., we are told that officially nothing unusual is going on. This situation has got to change. However, I am certain that your transition team leaders, specifically John Podesta, will urge you not to address this issue publicly.
You see, in 2005, soon after I broke the story internationally of UFOs being photographed over the Capitol, I spoke at length with Mr. Podesta’s public relations firm in D.C. because they had issued press releases regarding their desire to end UFO secrecy. Therefore, it seemed like a good idea to contact them because I was looking for a public official to address the UFO situation in D.C. on the record. However, I was told by Podesta’s people that despite the fact that most of these alien incursions were witnessed by credible citizens of D.C. and or seen or radar scopes, and or photographed, no one holding political or public office would be willing to address the fact that UFOs have been repeatedly violating our sovereign airspace.
The reason for the official silence was actually quite simple. No one really knew what to do about it. More importantly, if an elected official were to officially admit anything publicly regarding these alien incursions… that individual (and perhaps their Federal agency) would be held personally responsible by the public to deal with the problem.
During your campaign, you stated your willingness to have a dialogue with all world leaders regardless of their political views. Are you willing to engage in an open, diplomatic dialogue with the occupants of the unidentified aerospace craft visiting Washington, D.C.? If not, why not?
As reported in my book "Close Encounters on Capitol Hill," according to NATO’s classified assessment in the 1960s, many of the occupants of these exotic space craft are in fact human. More importantly, NATO concluded that these people did not pose a direct threat to our security. If that is true, then why should we continue to deny their existence and refuse to engage them in open debate? In closing, I would like to make it crystal clear that this is an ongoing situation that will not go away simply by ignoring or denying it exists.
These exotic craft have been sighted and or photographed all over the world. But, they are also very interested in Washington, D.C. To illustrate my point, below are some of the most recent eyewitness accounts and photographs from our nation’s capital.
Robert M. Stanley
AddendumThe following alien incursion took place in Washington, D.C., at approximately 9:00 p.m., on September 23, 2008. According to one of the witnesses,
"My family and I were driving down Constitution Street when we first saw three unidentified lights moving very smoothly and rather slowly behind the Freedom statue that stands on top of the Capitol building’s rotunda.
When we got to Union Station, we had a better view of the Capitol and the UFOs were still in sight, but now they were going in a different direction. On our way back home, we got the best view yet of these UFOs. We could see the light on these craft were circular, but since it was night we couldn’t actually see the actual structure of the spacecraft. We went back to Capitol Hill later that night with binoculars, but we didn’t see anything. However when we were there, a security helicopter was flying around the Capitol with a search light."
Another alien incursion occurred in Washington, D.C., at 10:06 p.m., on August 17, 2008. According to the photographer/witness,
"While standing on a roof top on 13th and N streets NW, I captured a high-resolution image of a spherical UFO that left a trail of energy as it accelerated into the night sky. I was using a Nikon D700 which is the most advanced digital camera currently available on the market. My sample shows a bright, white, egg-shaped anomaly with blue and red lights that is leaving a trail of residual energy at a 45 degree angle. No noise was heard? The image I obtained is extraordinary!"
Another alien incursion occurred in Washington, D.C., at approximately 8:00 p.m., on August 13, 2008. According to one of the witnesses,
"My friends and were on a trip to D.C. That evening, we were walking west on the National Mall towards the Smithsonian Metro Station when I noticed a strange object in the sky. It appeared to be cylindrical in shape and dark, gray maybe or a dull metallic color; it was relatively well offset by the colors of the evening sky so it was plainly visible to the naked eye. It seemed to be fairly large and distant and was totally stationary for some time.
After I first noticed it I didn’t point it out until I realized that it had not moved at all for close to thirty seconds. I then pointed the UFO out to my four friends who all saw it, but we could not decide what it was. The general consensus seemed to be that it might be a kite of some sort, but to me it seemed too high in the sky and too large to be a kite. Also, the area of the sky [which is restricted/prohibited airspace] it was in did not see like a place where anyone would fly a kite of any sort. I pulled out my cell phone to take a picture of the UFO.
The clouds behind the object could be seen clearly on the screen, but the UFO did not appear in my camera despite that fact that as I mentioned before it was plainly visible to the naked eye, a fact that I pointed out to my friends who all saw it. If I recall correctly, I also heard someone in another group that we passed that night mention that they witnessed the UFO.
The strange object remained stationary for several minutes before moving slightly down and to the right and away from our view. The object was perhaps 30 to 40 degrees in the sky to the WNW, generally in the area of the sky between the Washington monument and the White House, but probably more distant. It particularly struck me as odd because this is not a residential area, and as far as I know restricted air space, also this is the area of the sky were aircraft approach Reagan National airport."
Another alien incursion occurred in Washington, D.C., at 8:09 p.m. on August 4, 2007. An anonymous photographer was taking pictures while standing at the Washington Monument which is the center of P51 (prohibited/restricted) airspace of the nation’s capital. The photographer did not see the triangular UFO while taking the picture. Photographic analysis shows the UFO was emitting an exotic energy field propulsion as it moved through the sky — see image below
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